Live Call-In: Emporia Main Street/Newsmaker: Lyon County Clerk and Election Officer Tammy Vopat updates the primary election process with Election Day coming Aug. 6./Managing Your Money w/ ESB Financial – 07-31-24/Newsmaker 2: Dawn Young has an Emporia Arts Center summer update./Lyon County History Center Director Greg Jordan with a bi-weekly update./On-Air Chat: Lisa Soller with Lyon County History Center
Live Call-In: Emporia Main Street
Newsmaker: Lyon County Clerk and Election Officer Tammy Vopat updates the primary election process with Election Day coming Aug. 6.
Managing Your Money w/ ESB Financial – 07-31-24
Newsmaker 2: Dawn Young has an Emporia Arts Center summer update.
Lyon County History Center Director Greg Jordan with a bi-weekly update.
On-Air Chat: Lisa Soller with Lyon County History Center