Goats were on proud — and loud — display at the Lyon County Fair on Saturday.
Goats have a pretty cantankerous reputation, but Taryn Huggard says they do well for her.
Audio PlayerHuggard says her goats are pretty willing to train for the fair, even though they might not know it.
Audio PlayerLast year was Huggard’s first showing goats. It’s been an eventful year, to say the least.
Audio PlayerRESULTS
Champion Showmanship Level IV 15-19 Years: Crue Jackson, Reading
Reserve Champion: Emily Miser, Model Boosters
Champion Showmanship Level III 12-14 Years: Daylen Ballinger, Happy Harvesters
Reserve Champion: Brogan Vogts, Happy Harvesters
Champion Showmanship Level II 9-11 Years: Meredith Lang, Cloverleaf
Reserve Champion: Claire Lang, Cloverleaf
Champion Showmanship Level I 7-8 Years: Macleigh Jenkins, Riverside
Reserve Champion: Brenli Corpening, Happy Harvesters
Grand Champion Breeding Doe Under 1 Year: Claire Lang, Cloverleaf
Reserve Champion: Carlee Van Sickle, Model Boosters
Grand Champion Market Meat Goat: Jantzen Rickabaugh, Rinker
Reserve Champion: Cooper Spade, Cloverleaf