Emporia city commissioners could well finalize the 2025 budget as part of their regular meetings this week.
Commissioners meet Wednesday, and they will have separate votes on the revenue-neutral rate, annual budget and annual appropriations early in the meeting. Public hearings will precede the votes on the revenue-neutral rate and the budget.
Several additional items are ahead for the action meeting, including:
*An amendment to sign regulations in the city’s zoning code
*Adoption of the Safe Routes to Schools plan
*Contract agreement with BG Consultants for a new public recreation facility
An executive session for unspecified legal matters will close the action meeting.
The study session will involve a formal introduction of new David Traylor Zoo Director Brenda Young, as well as the formation of a Public Building Commission — a step that hasn’t seen much conversation since Newman Regional Health obtained a PBC through Lyon County 15 years ago. A city name designation for Road F, currently getting paved between US Highway 50 and Road 180, and a Community Development Block Grant update will close down the study meeting.
The action meeting is at 11 am Wednesday at the Municipal Court Room. The study meeting follows at White Auditorium City Conference Room 1 AB.