The field of possible public recreation building sites has been narrowed to three finalists.
The Emporia Recreation Commission’s Rec Center Steering Committee started Wednesday’s meeting with six semifinal sites: Champions Landing, Jones Aquatic Center, Jones Park (which has so-called east and west options), Lowther North and Whittier Park. Following a conversation among committee members about top-3 options, the committee advanced Champions Landing, Jones Aquatic Center and Jones Park despite concerns about each locations — the proximity to potential STAR bond work and building location at Champions Landing, the distance from Emporia’s geographic and population centers at Jones Aquatic Center and a combination of topography, necessary street enhancements and potential disc golf course adjustments at either Jones Park site.
The meeting sets the stage for a community engagement meeting from 5-8 pm Sept. 17 at the Lee Beran Recreation Center. Information, including benefits and challenges, will be provided about the three finalist sites as well as the locations that did not make the cut, including those listed and C of E Drive, 18th and Graphic Arts, Hammond Park, the current Rec Center and Mary Herbert. Residents will also have a chance to “build their own rec center,” and there may well be an exit survey gauging public opinion on where the next rec center should be built.
Committee Chair Erren Harter tells KVOE News the shorter list was preferable — especially with the committee wanting to make a decision on the potential site this month.
As part of a survey earlier this summer, residents indicated they wanted enough amenities to house around 140,000 square feet of space. The Steering Committee is considering a roughly 90,000-square foot facility, about double the size of the Lee Beran Rec Center at 313 West Fourth.