With Medicare open enrollment beginning next week, Newman Regional Health provided an opportunity for local seniors to have their most pressing questions on the Medicare process answered Monday.
Newman teamed up with the Emporia Senior Center to host a pair of Medicare town halls featuring various experts on a range of topics. On hand was Senior Health Insurance Counselor for Kansas (SHICK) Karen Mayse who spoke with KVOE News to discuss the importance of being as well informed as possible on the various Medicare options available.
Mayse says first and foremost it is always a great idea to “shop around” each year even if you think you have already found the perfect plan.
Mayse adds that attending events such as the town hall and visiting with experts regularly can help seniors save money and also protect themselves from individuals who may not have their best interest in mind.
The Medicare open enrollment period will begin next Tuesday, October 15 and continue through December 7. In addition to Mayse, experts and community partners in attendance for Monday’s town halls included representatives from the North Central Flint Hills Area Agency on Aging, Emporia Presbyterian Manor, Angels Home Health, CareArc and Haag Pharmacy.
Monday’s town halls was just the start of local informational opportunities for seniors as Nesting Incorporated will be holding a Medicare Part D information event on Thursday, November 7 also at the Emporia Senior Center. The Nesting event is designed to let residents know about possible changes affecting their prescription coverages, even though their medications may well be unchanged.
The event is from 9 am to 4 pm and appointments are requested. To schedule your appointment call 620-487-5300.