As KVOE reported earlier this week, a new steering committee is coming that will help drive the restructuring of Emporia’s economic development process following a vote by Emporia City Commissioners Wednesday afternoon.
The vote followed a lengthy discussion on the overall restructuring including the proposed umbrella organization that would oversee the local economic development process and all organizations involved. Absent from the vote was Commissioner Susan Brinkman who had to leave the meeting early due to other obligations.
Thursday afternoon, KVOE reached out to Brinkman who expressed several concerns and raised a number of questions during Wednesday’s conversations including questioning the proposed “stem” of the aforementioned umbrella organization. While some of her fellow commissioners felt the most logical choice would be the next permanent Regional Development Association of East Central Kansas President, an individual that is currently being searched for.
Brinkman disagreed with this suggestion calling it a “default mentality” to KVOE News saying it did not make sense to simply use the position as a place of leadership because it is vacant.
Brinkman clarified to KVOE News Thursday that she is very much in favor of the steering committee approved by her fellow commissioners Wednesday and adds that an umbrella organization is a good course of action as it was recommended by the Vision First study which initiated the recent rounds of discussion on restructuring the development process. That said, Brinkman adds there are other avenues she believes the city should be exploring in addition to the umbrella organization, namely contractual language with all eco-devo organizations receiving taxpayer dollars.
As for the steering committee, Emporia Mayor Erren Harter told KVOE News the following organizations were invited to take part.
*Emporia Main Street
*Visit Emporia
*The Emporia Area Chamber of Commerce
*Emporia State University
*Flint Hills Technical College
*The City of Emporia
*Lyon County Commission ‘
*Regional Development Association of East Central Kansas
An exact timeline for when the committee will convene and begin its work on restructuring the economic development process has yet to be announced. Harter tells KVOE News he is hopeful they can meet within the next three weeks and have a preliminary report ready by the Emporia City Commission’s next regular meeting on November 6.