Newsmaker: Josh and MaryAnne Graves discuss the new food schedule at Abundant Harvest and fall/winter needs at Abundant Harvest, Emporia Rescue Mission and Shiloh Home of Hope./ESU Health and Human Performance Professor Dr. Jennifer Thomas./Newsmaker 3: Pioneer Bluffs Director Sammy Jo Happy and previous director Lynn Smith discuss Smith’s return to the agency as Director of Donor Relations. Area Coaches Corner.
Newsmaker: Josh and MaryAnne Graves discuss the new food schedule at Abundant Harvest and fall/winter needs at Abundant Harvest, Emporia Rescue Mission and Shiloh Home of Hope.
Newsmaker 3: Pioneer Bluffs Director Sammy Jo Happy and previous director Lynn Smith discuss Smith’s return to the agency as Director of Donor Relations.
Area Coaches Corner
Chase County – Derick Budke
Osage City – Andrew Gantenbien