Lyon County Commissioners are of an opposite mind towards the future of the Regional Development Association than their counterparts of the city and took action Thursday to demonstrate such.
As part of their regular action meeting, county commissioners approved a resolution of support for the RDA, specifically its current board structure of seven members including two from the city, two from the county, one from the Emporia Area Chamber of Commerce, one from Emporia Enterprises and one at large member approved by all of the above-mentioned entities. On December 18, city commissioners approved Mayor Erren Harter to send a letter to the RDA requesting immediate changes to the board structure to give the city a “majority” representation.
Many reasons were stated for the request including recent changes in board members and the fact that the city provides 100 percent of the agency’s funding. The RDA was given a deadline of Tuesday, January 21 to make the requested changes. If they were not to do so, the city would take additional action including the possible cessation of funding for the RDA.
The county’s resolution Thursday was approved unanimously and declared the county’s support of the current board structure with all commissioners, including RDA representative Doug Peck, stating they are not in favor of one entity having a majority presence on the board.
KVOE News asked commissioners and County Counselor Molly Priest, an ex officio (non-voting) member of the RDA, if the county has considered developing a revenue stream to support the RDA if the city were to follow through with its declaration to cease funding to the agency. Priest says it has been a talking point, however, no decisions have been made.
Martin noted that while the entirety of funding comes from the city of Emporia, the sales tax dollars used to do so do not come solely from city residents. Martin says that reality furthers the county’s point that there must be a balanced presence on the board.
Also Thursday, Martin reiterated a previous statement to his fellow commissioners and future commissioners saying it may be time for the county to take a more active approach in local economic development matters.
Another point worth noting with the RDA situation is that it is just the latest in a string of matters of which the county and city have been on opposite sides. Peck acknowledged this evident divisiveness between the two Thursday and stated they cannot continue to operate in this way saying a community this size cannot afford the two boards to be at odds with one another.
Thus far, the RDA has not issued a response to the city’s request, however, it is expected to be a major talking point during the RDA board’s first meeting of the year next Friday at 7 am inside of the Trussler Business Center.
In other business Thursday commissioners:
*Approved the purchase of two 2025 Dodge Durango’s for the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office totaling more than $92,000.
*Approved a pair of requests from County Engineer Chip Woods for a low bid from Metal Roof Systems of Kansas for a covered truck parking building at the Lyon County Highway Department for better than $107,000 and a total amount of $61,960 for land acquisition for the bridge over the Cottonwood River.
*Approved an invoice from Human Resources Director Alicia Rumold from KWORCC for workers’ compensation insurance totaling better than $236,000
*Reviewed and approved the yearly county board appointment list.
The Lyon County Commission will reconvene for its regular action meeting next Thursday at 9 am inside the Lyon County Courthouse Commission Chambers.