There may be changes to the Regional Development Association of East Central Kansas’ board structure, but those won’t be coming for a while.
The RDA Board of Directors meeting Friday saw a new development in a public conversations underway for months: a tentative agreement for the existing Economic Development Advancement Committee to study possible changes to RDA operations, using metrics from an external partner report to set the baseline for what’s to come. RDA Board President Jeff Williams was pleased to see the overall topic move forward.
The board approved both the new committee and a deadline extension from Jan. 21 to April 1, pending approval by the City Commission.
The Jan. 21 deadline had been mentioned by Emporia Mayor Erren Harter during a letter to the RDA board last month. In it, Harter mentioned the need for changes to the RDA board’s makeup, saying the city should have a majority representation because it is the only funding source for the RDA board. Harter also mentioned the decision not to reinstate Kala Maxfield as RDA board chair was a move that didn’t represent the city’s demographics. Emporia City Commissioner Jamie Sauder and RDA board member says Friday’s move by the RDA board reflected the City Commission’s desire for improvement — nothing more.
The City Commission’s move to change the RDA board makeup has been met with criticism from the Lyon County Commission and also from Emporia Enterprises, which passed a resolution opposing any structural changes in RDA board operations earlier this week. Emporia Enterprises Board Chair Justin Mallon says the proposed changes were unjustified. County Commissioner and RDA board representative Doug Peck says this resets the picture in a positive way.
RDA Interim President Jim Witt says the board’s decision is good for the short-term atmosphere and the long-term future of the RDA.
Public conversations about possible operational changes to the RDA actually stem from an economic development study done by an Emporia City Commission external partner, Vision First, this past summer. Vision First has suggested having one umbrella organization oversee all local economic development efforts, and it has suggested the RDA for that role while also suggesting the elimination of Emporia Enterprises, saying the work of Emporia Enterprises duplicates some of the RDA’s mission.
A meeting schedule for the 17-member committee is pending. The Emporia City Commission will have final say at its Jan. 21 meeting, and Sauder hopes the full commission will approve the request.