January is stalking awareness month and Emporia’s SOS Inc. is helping to raise awareness of the behaviors and warning signs associated with stalking.
According to Danielle Armitage of SOS, most individuals believe stalking is simply the act of following another individual with harmful intent. During an interview on KVOE’s Morning Show Friday, Armitage explained that stalking actually can be classified by several actions and behaviors aside from an individual simply lurking in the shadows.
Given that most individuals are unaware of the various signs and actions associated with stalking, Armitage says it can be difficult for individuals not directly involved in a stalking situation to recognize such a situation noting many people can mistake such actions as acts of affection or care.
Additionally, Armitage says unlike in television or movies, stalkers are typically individuals that is known to their victim in some way.
If you believe you are the victim of a stalker Armitage says it is important to document any instances of such behavior, contact an advocate and report the activity to local authorities before it escalates. For more information be sure to visit SOS Inc. on Facebook, SOSKansas.com or, if you or someone you know is being victimized, you can contact the SOS 24-hour helpline by calling 1-800-799-7233.