Emporia/Lyon County Metropolitan Area Planning Commissioners are recommending approval of two items related to the Stormont Vail Property annexed into the Emporia City limits last year.
During their recent meeting Tuesday night, commissioners voted 5-1 to recommend approval of rezoning of the property at 1700 Road G to fall under city zoning regulations. Commissioner Larry Bucklinger was the lone no-vote on the matter and was unavailable for comment following the meeting.
Commissioners would then recommend approval of a preliminary plat for the same property referred to Tuesday night as the “Stormont Vail Regional Health subdivision.” Commissioners voted 4-2 to approve the item with Bucklinger and Commissioner Lillian Lingenfelter offering the no votes.
The votes followed a series of public comments where various individuals expressed continued concerns for what a Stormont facility could mean for the local community both from a service and financial perspective. Along with those concerns, a common theme Tuesday centered around a call for “transparency” from Stormont as to their plans with the 17-acre property which “befuddled” Stormont Associate General Counsel Tim Shultz who shared his feelings during the meeting.
Shultz declined a recorded interview with KVOE News, however, he stated during the meeting that he appreciated the passion and commitment local representatives and residents have for Newman Regional Health but claimed Stormont leadership has been forthcoming with its intentions for the better-than-17-acre property telling those in attendance Tuesday that Stormont is planning to build a medical office building. Newman Regional Health Director of Business Development Steven Bazan who spoke Tuesday night stated during an interview with KVOE News that while plans for a medical office building have been mentioned this was the first definitive statement he has heard on the matter.
Audio PlayerPlanning Commission Chairman Raymond Rogers, who voted in favor of both items, stated he appreciated the concerns and passions voiced both Tuesday and over the last 15 months. That said, Rogers echoed a statement made by city commissioners when they annexed the property into the city limits late last year saying the future of health care was not the matter before them Tuesday night.
Audio PlayerAs previously mentioned, Commissioner Lingenfelter voted against the second item after voting to recommend approval for the property’s rezoning. Lingenfelter told KVOE News she was able to apply the same logic expressed by Rogers to the first item, however, she could not do so for the second.
Audio PlayerBoth items will now go before Emporia City Commissioners for final consideration possibly as soon as March 19.
In other business Tuesday, commissioners approved a request from CareArc to rezone property at 400 West 15th Avenue to convert the space into a parking lot for staff. According to CEO Renee Hively during the meeting, the rezoned space would provide an additional 70 parking spaces for staff.
The Emporia/Lyon County Metropolitan Planning Commission will reconvene in March.