Fundraising continues for the United Way of the Flint Hills. So does the United Way’s work to both augment its support for people in need and to connect people with resources.
Executive Director Daphne Mertens says residents may hear more about the ALICE effort as time goes by.
Audio PlayerMertens says ALICE is a data-gathering effort, with the United Way looking to use that information to target exactly how it meets community needs, whether through programs or grant support. Click here for more information.
Separately, Mertens says all the United Way branches in Kansas, Flint Hills included, help to fund the resource number 2-1-1. Mertens says 2-1-1 had over 800 calls from Lyon County area residents seeking information on services. She also says United Way staff locally get a lot of direct calls from people looking for information that get referred to 2-1-1.
Residents can also text 898211 or go online to for more information.
The United Way is getting ready for the United In Purpose KVOE Live Morning Drive Auction from March 3-7. Residents can bid on a variety of items during KVOE’s Morning Show all next week by texting their bid number and bid amount to the Bluestem Farm and Ranch Supply text line at 620-342-5863.
Mertens and drive chair Tagan Trahoon will be on KVOE’s Newsmaker 3 segment at 8:40 am Friday with an auction preview.