An event space near Olpe is teed up for possible approval by the Lyon County Commission before the month is out — if a list of conditions is met.
The Lyon County Planning and Appeals Board recommended approval of Danielle Cottman’s request to change zoning at 1027 Road 70 to Agriculture Conditional-Use “Event Space.” However, the Planning and Appeals Board put a list of over 10 conditions on the proposal:
Hours of Operation. All events shall end at midnight.
Alcohol restrictions, types allowed, proof of license. (Provided by State)
Capacity limit set at 250 Occupants
Light pollution mitigation plan if lighting is installed.
Requirement for security at events.
Length of permit approval. A yearly administrative renewal will be required.
Approval of wastewater system by Health and Environment.
Sound level requirement. 85-95 dB typical.
State Fire Marshal approval
All parking shall be off-street parking. No on-street parking will be allowed.
The parking area shall be screened.
A short-term rental application shall be submitted each year for the two overnight rooms.
If Signage is proposed, a sign permit shall be required.
Cottman has been developing plans to turn a barn into event lodging. Nearby residents have mentioned concerns about traffic, parking, alcohol use and other possible issues.
County commissioners will review the application at their meeting March 27.