IT, engineering and emergency communications matters will all come before Lyon County Commissioners Thursday morning.
During their regular action meeting commissioners will consider a request from Jamie Williams and County IT Director Jean Barnett for a better than $22,800 quote for the purchase of new hardware and software for up to 120 computers. Commissioners will also consider 50 additional security badges from Kansas Security for just over $200.
Meanwhile, Lyon County Engineer Chip Woods will be submitting a purchase request for a used 2021 Massey Ferguson 6713 tractor and new mower from Schaefer Equipment for $102,000 to be paid for out of the county’s multi-year fund. Woods will also submit a quote from Central Nebraska Wood Preservers for guardrail posts and blocks totaling more than $5,000 from the County Road and Bridge Fund.
Finally, Lyon County Emergency Communications Center Director Roxanne Van Gundy will seek approval to pay Hayden Tower $5,700 to repair lighting along the county’s North-Allen radio tower. The work will include the replacement of 2 flash tubes and 3 lamps at the top of the tower with the price to include both labor and the climb to the top of the tower for said labor.
The meeting will begin at 9 am inside of the Lyon County Courthouse Commission Chambers.