It’s a bumper crop of bumps as you travel across Emporia. And with good reason.
Lingering effects, especially from the early-January snow and ice event and an active freeze-thaw cycle afterward, have led to a lot of potholes across town. Public Works Director Dean Grant says his department has one or two crews out daily patching at this time, depending on staffing levels, and City Engineer Jim Ubert says there’s a lot of work ahead.
Ubert says the city of Emporia has a lot of streets to maintain.
Ubert recently went on the city of Emporia’s new Ask Emporia site to answer questions specifically about street conditions. He says the city uses specialized software to evaluate street conditions every two years and thus plan for upcoming repairs. The city usually spends upwards of $1.5 million per year on street maintenance, mostly through the annual Street Rehab program.