The City of Emporia is set to move into the final phase of a major waterline replacement project soon, however, the cost of doing so will be far more significant than originally expected.
During their recent study session, city commissioners Discussed the Southeast Transmission line project which began with preliminary engineering in 2021 and is nearing the end of phase two work at this time. Phase three of the project will see the installation of the line from 12th and Prairie to Industrial Park III.
When the project was first developed, the estimated cost was $15 million, however, as Emporia City Manager Trey Cocking noted in an interview with KVOE News Wednesday, that was in 2020. Since that time, inflation and the introduction and uncertainty of Federal tariffs have driven up the cost of the work by $6 million bringing the project total to $21 million.
Given these factors, city commissioners had a “tough decision” to make Wednesday according to Cocking.
Commissioners have elected to utilize state revolving loan funds from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment to help cover the additional cost of completing the project. In total, the city approved just over $10 million in additional funds to complete the project which included approximately $9.4 million to Nowak Construction Company of Goddard and $910,000 to BG Consultants to complete the transmission line project.
The $10 million approved Wednesday includes the additional $6 million previously mentioned. For reference, phase one of the project which took place on Peyton Street cost just over $2.5 million while phase two which is taking place on 24th Ave. and Prairie Street will cost just over $5.1 million.
The cost for the final phase of work from 12th and Garfield to South Avenue and Peyton Street will cost just over $13 million bringing the project total to $21 million.
Cocking says while the city will have to repay that over time, they did get a good deal with a 2.5 percent interest rate which Cocking says will be well under the rate of inflation. Cocking did note that he expects many people will be concerned with the larger price tag for the project, however, he says when it comes to the benefits of the project he believes individuals will see the rewards far outweigh the risks.
Cocking estimates the completion of the new 24-inch water line could help to reduce city water main breaks by 25 percent at least and will also help to increase service to many of Emporia’s major employers/water customers.