There may be a step forward towards a new medical facility in Emporia as part of Wednesday’s City Commission meeting, but bigger steps are coming later.
City commissioners may take action on an ordinance rezoning the southeast corner of 18th and Road G as a City Parcel Type. The land in question is currently listed as a County Zoning Parcel Type and must be rezoned for other processes, including the final plat positive recommendation by the Metropolitan Area Planning Commission and final approval by city commissioners, to move into the construction phase.
Stormont is planning a nearly $45 million medical building and has set spring 2026 as the tentative start for construction if plans move forward.
Separately, city commissioners could:
*Approve CareArc’s rezoning plan for space at 400 West 15th to convert space into a staff parking lot
*Approve a nearly $260,000 remodeling effort for the bandstand at Fremont Park
Study meeting items include an update from the Homelessness Advisory Board, a pickleball development plan, a franchise agreement with Kansas Gas and a conversation about the upcoming Southeast Transmission Waterline Replacement Project.
The meeting slate begins at 11 am, with the action session at the Municipal Court Room followed by the study session at City Conference Room 1AB.