High to very high fire danger continues areawide Monday and may be ongoing for Tuesday.
Air temperatures in the mid-70s will combine with dry grases, low relative humidity levels under 20 percent and westerly gusts as high as 25 mph Monday. Similar conditions will exist Tuesday, aside from a northwesterly wind.
Outdoor burning is not recommended areawide Monday. Coffey County is in a burn ban until further notice. Other area counties have not announced burn bans for Monday or beyond.
The weather pattern becomes more unsettled for the back half of the week through the weekend. Rain chances begin early Thursday, with slight to moderate chances of storms Thursday through Saturday night.
Speaking of storms, Lyon County’s annual storm spotter training session is at 7 pm Tuesday at the Emporia State Memorial Union Preston Family Room. National Weather Service meteorologists will discuss the training session, and others across the area later this week, during KVOE’s Newsmaker 3 segment at 8:40 am Monday.