Based on the results of the latest KVOE News poll, opinion is very much split on how the ciy of Emporia should handle its fireworks sales and discharge policies.
Over 1,100 votes were cast since July 4 on Our question asked whether the city should change its fireworks ordinance. The current policy allows for the sale and discharge from June 27-July 5. For most of those days, the allowed hours are 10 am to 10 pm, with a window of 10 am to 11 pm for July 3-4.
Forty percent, or 457 entries, favored a combination of fewer days and shorter hours per day. Nearly 35 percent, or 396 votes, said the current policy should remain in place. Another 20 percent, or 232 votes, said there should be fewer allowed days for fireworks.
Around four percent, or 47 votes, said the current policy should be eliminated. One percent, or 11 votes, favored shorter hours per day.
Emporia city commissioners typically discuss any potential changes to the sales and discharge window during the winter and early spring months. The framework for the current policy has been in place for over a decade.