Strong City is growing with anticipation as they prepare to celebrate its 150th anniversary.
The activities and entertainment for the sesquicentennial celebration will be held over the course of several days.
Friday, August 27, the birthday celebration outside of the City Hall will feature live music from Undercover – An 80s Experience out of Topeka. Everyone is invited to come out 8pm-11pm and take advantage of the various food and drink options that will be available.
Mayor Simmons says that the anniversary celebration will pay homage to Strong City Days from the 1980s.
Saturday, August 28 will be the annual Park-a-Palooza at 4pm. Held at Strong City’s newly-renovated park, Park-a-Palooza will act as a fundraiser for the new Splash Pad that is anticipated to be ready by next spring.
Mayor Simmons credits the town’s growing population of around 500 and that it is the people that set Strong City apart from others.
Further updates and information can be found on the event’s Facebook page.