Work to recondition a number of Emporia city streets will take the next step later this month.
You may have already seen the streets that will be reconditioned without realizing it. These are the streets — mainly in downtown Emporia but also scattered across town — that have the gravel-type pebbles on the surface. This is called chat and is part of the process known as chipseal, which is replacing the city’s longstanding use of slurry seal. Public Works Director Dean Grant says this provides a bit of a cost savings while extending the life of street surfaces well beyond what slurry seal can do.
For years, the city has done a slurry seal project, using a mix of oil and sand for streets that can be “reconditioned” with a new surface on the existing pavement. The city has also done a street rehab project involving a mill and overlay process for streets that have significant damage and need the top layer removed. Streets are tested and graded every year for potential work in either category.
Last year’s process involved an edge mill and crack seal before using an emulsion substance for the chat, which was rolled in and allowed to set. Once the remaining chat was removed, a fog seal — special thin liquid oil — was used to finish the job. This year, a special skim coat is being used in areas needing extra work. The original emulsion, chat and fog seal processes will follow.
Chat has been placed on several streets across Emporia, notably downtown, over the past two weeks. Grant says the emulsion process should begin within the next few weeks and work west to east across town.