Approximately 93% of the National Basketball Association players are vaccinated for Covid 19. Legendary Kareem Abdoul Jabbar showed little patience for the unvaccinated players saying:
There is no room for players who are willing to risk the health and lives of their teammates, the staff, and fans simply because they are unable to grasp the seriousness of the situation or do the necessary research.
Kareem calls out the unvaccinated players for either not understanding the situation or knowing the facts.
With vaccinated numbers way below 80 percent, the USA needs to create so-called Heard Immunity it appears the same situation is present in our country.
Some of the most common reasons many Americans are not yet vaccinated are:
- Fear of the vaccine or thinking it was created too quickly?
- Fear of side effects?
- Misinformation about fertility?
- Personal rights?
- Or, misguided politics?
If you do the research you learn while the vaccines were developed at record speed they were subjected to the same checks, balances, and scientific rigor as all other vaccines. What you should really fear is that almost all people dying or hospitalized with Covid are NOT vaccinated!
Side effects have proven to be mostly far less than predicted?
The fertility scare has been totally debunked.
Personal rights? Americans gave up their rights by taking mandated measles, mumps, and polio vaccines. What’s the difference?
And the craziest one of all is that in some way not getting vaccinated somehow helps former President Trump by making President Biden look like a failed leader.
My take on President Trump is the rapid development of the Covid vaccines is the best part of his legacy
Along that same line, I believe Joe Biden missed an opportunity to thank President Trump for his leadership in developing the vaccines so quickly.
Please, if you are not yet vaccinated do more research and think about the health and lives of your fellow man.
Fun fact: If 80% of Americans were vaccinated Covid 19 would be a distant memory!
I’m Steve Sauder and I hope I’ve given you something to think about.