Local voters now have even more opportunities to get to know the individuals whose names will be on the ballot next month.
For the second year in a row, the Emporia Area Chamber of Commerce has taken to social media to post several informational videos which serve as basic introductions for each candidate in the upcoming November general election. Chamber President and CEO Jeanine McKenna says the candidate videos began as a way to replace the chamber’s annual candidate forums due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
She says the popularity of the videos was so great, the chamber decided to continue them on a regular basis.
McKenna says the videos are also a great tool to inform all voters within Lyon County as a whole, not just voters within the city of Emporia.
Each video ranges in length with a maximum of three minutes and are available online on the Emporia Area Chamber of Commerce YouTube channel and Facebook page. Links to both pages are available below.
Emporia Area Chamber of Commerce Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/EAChamberOfCommerce
Emporia Area Chamber of Commerce YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/eacoc/videos