The Emporia City Commission will close out its meeting schedule for the month of November with back-to-back meetings Wednesday evening.
Commissioners will first convene for a study session with the main item being a discussion on expanding the city’s list of Rural Housing Incentive District properties. A new waterline project along 18th Ave. at Prairie Street and the city’s snow removal policy will also see discussions.
Following the study session, commissioners will move directly into an action session during which time the commission could approve a project contract for stormwater improvements in the Becker Addition. Commissioners discussed a potential contract during their study session last Wednesday.
A public hearing for the Red Brick Investment tax increment financing district will be held following which a resolution to establish the TIF will be up for commission approval. The commission will also consider recent applications for the soon-to-be-vacant commission seat following Jon Geitz’s resignation from the board effective Wednesday.
An ordinance and request to rezone property at 1501 and 1503 E. Logan and 1201 S. Weaver Street from agricultural to light industrial will also be considered.
The meetings begin at 6 pm inside the Municipal Courtroom at White Auditorium.