Jobless rates continued a steady decline at the state and local levels in December.
Kansas Labor Secretary Amber Schultz:
This was a significant decrease from the jobless rate in Dec. of 2020 which came in at 4.7 percent.
Locally, jobless rates were much lower than the state figure with Lyon County at 1.9 percent down from 2.2 percent in November and down from 4.0 percent in December of 2020. Emporia’s jobless rate was 2.0 percent down just slightly from November’s 2.1 percent but down significantly from the 2020 rate of 4.2 percent.
For area counties, Coffey County has the highest jobless rate at 2.6 percent which is still an improvement over the November rate of 2.7 percent and the 2020 rate of 3.8 percent. Morris County has the lowest rate areawide at 1.6 percent while Chase County is right behind at 1.7.