For the first time this year, Lyon County Public Health is reporting a new COVID-19 caseload increase that saw less than 100 new positives.
Lyon County Public Health reported 85 new positives in its latest data report Friday. This follows increases of 111 on Monday and 116 on Wednesday putting the week’s overall increase total at 312 which is sharply lower than last week’s total of just under 500.
The overall total now stands at 9,646 cases since the start of the pandemic back in March of 2020.
Friday’s numbers further illustrate statements from local health officials that the omicron wave has finally reached its peak. While this week’s increases are significantly lower than the averages in January, Lyon County Public Health is saying they would like to see daily increases of 20 cases or less moving forward.
The county’s death toll did increase for the first time in nearly two weeks and now stands at 106 with six deaths now pending final cause information from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.