Groups and organizations wanting to take part in the Emporia Community Foundation’s upcoming Match Day must apply, and that deadline is fast approaching.
Groups have until 5 pm Friday to turn in their paperwork. Community Foundation Executive Director Becky Nurnberg, a guest on KVOE’s Morning Show this week, says the paperwork is pretty standard.
This year, the Community Foundation made two requirement changes from past years: maximum operating budgets increased from $150,000 to $175,000 and participating groups need to establish funds with the Community Foundation.
Match Day is Nov. 14. The event has generated close to $2 million for groups in all seven area counties the past eight years, including a record of better than $455,000 last year.
For more information, go online to or call the Community Foundation at 620-342-9304. Applications can also be turned in to the Community Foundation office at 527 Commercial, Suite B, in Emporia.