A potential pay raise for Lyon County’s emergency dispatchers is on the table for Lyon County commissioners when they have their action session Thursday.
Emergency Communications Director Roxanne Van Gundy is presenting a plan to raise the starting wage for certain communications officers from $16.90 to $17.90 — with an additional 50-cent incentive for completing training. Van Gundy’s request would also lead to a $1 hourly increase for all dispatchers if commissioners approve.
A separate request from Van Gundy is on the agenda to pay Motorola Solutions almost $29,000 for administrative support of the county’s Spillman public safety software system.
In other business, commissioners will consider a request from Emporia Main Street to match a grant towards forming a technology accelerator. Commissioners will also consider a nearly $20,000 quote from Double Check of Manhattan to upgrade the county’s gas and diesel fueling system. The CareArc quarterly report and funding updates from Empower House Ministries are also scheduled along with two executive sessions.
The meeting starts at 9 am Thursday in the County Courthouse Commission chambers.