Any way you look at it, Ron’s Ride was a success yet again.
KVOE General Manager Ron Thomas made his annual trek in support of Special Olympics and the Law Enforcement Torch Run. He says everything went well Thursday morning.
Thomas says it was good to interact with Special Olympians and to see the community support.
The fundraising total is now at $4,500.
The bike ride went from Emporia State’s Kellogg Circle to the Emporia Golf Course. Meanwhile, Lyon County deputies and Emporia Police officers continued on their way to El Dorado with the torch. The Special Olympics State Games run Friday through Sunday in Wichita.
Photos by Tagan Trahoon and Chuck Samples/KVOE News
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KVOE's Ron Thomas (center, orange shirt) leaves Emporia State's Kellogg Circle alongside local law enforcement for Ron's Ride in conjunction with the Law Enforcement Torch Run on Thursday. Chuck Samples/KVOE News.