USD 251 North Lyon County’s early childhood center is getting closer to to ready for the upcoming school year.
Superintendent Bob Blair told the district board the project received a better than $5,700 Safe and Secure Schools grant for security cameras. It comes as work is a bit delayed but still on track for opening by mid-August.
Part of the new grant funding can also be used for fencing at Northern Heights.
In other business, the district approved the purchase of 60 iPads at a cost approaching $18,000. Blair says this is using ESSER 2 funds — Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief — to buy iPads for grades K-2 as part of one-to-one initiative. It’s the first time USD 251 has had the one-to-one computer setup for students in these grades.
The district is also planning to exceed the revenue-neutral rate from last year’s budget, but Blair says the mill levy may go up from 10.376 mills to 10.467 mills.