Emergency planning and handbooks are the main action items ahead for the USD 253 Emporia Board of Education with a regular meeting this week.
The board will review the district’s emergency operations plan for possible approval. Staff, student and athletics handbooks could all be approved. The district board will also discuss the procurement plan for child nutrition programs and the interest-based bargaining memorandum of understanding as part of its agenda.
During the consent agenda, where several items can be handled with one vote, board members could approve agreements of varying levels with Emporia State University, Flint Hills Technical College, Butler Community College and Kansas State University.
At this point, no discussion is scheduled on staffing matters, either in general or specifically at William Allen White Elementary, after a pair of special meetings late last week that led to the school remaining open despite a reported staffing crisis overall and declining enrollment at the school.
The meeting is at 6:30 pm at Mary Herbert.