Shortly before the Denim and Diamonds signature event Friday, administrators at Newman Regional Health hinted at a record fundraising total. And that’s exactly what they got.
And it wasn’t even close.
The early total is $203,000, topping last year’s prior record by $80,000, and the final total could well climb. Noting a nearly sold-out Webb Hall at Emporia State, Newman Regional Health Events Coordinator Michelle Margeson says Denim and Diamonds represents the longstanding community support of the hospital.
It’s the latest highlight of Newman Regional Health’s Century of Care, its 100th year of operation, and Margeson says results like this are important as the hospital launches into its second century.
Friday night’s activities at Emporia State’s Memorial Union Webb Hall included live entertainment, a meal and a live and silent auction. The winner of the nearly $12,000 sapphire ring designed by Kari’s Diamonds and Bridal was Newman Regional Health family physician Dr. Anna LaSota.
Margeson says staffers are excited to see the fundraising focus, a C-arm X-ray machine, at the hospital because the current technology on site is about 20 years old. C-arms are used for real-time imaging during surgeries, and the new technology will offer images that are much clearer than the current equipment. CEO Bob Wright has said the hospital could start work on replacing a second C-arm, depending on the results of Friday’s event. Invasive cardiology, general surgery and orthopedics will benefit from this technology