You are invited! In Fact, anyone seeking strength when unexpected disappointments have shattered their lives are welcome to attend.
What do you ask?
This is a seven-week faith-based class being held at my church, the First United Methodist Church located at Ninth and Merchant here in Emporia.
Maybe I should explain?
About six weeks ago, my wife, Bobbi found a book entitled: IT’S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THIS WAY written by Lysa Terkeurst.
Two weeks ago my Something to Think About was about Potsherds which are broken pieces of pottery that wise potters add to their fresh clay to make it stronger.
The reaction to my commentary was positive with lots of appreciative comments.
Tyler Curtis purchased a copy of IT’S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THIS WAY and started reading it with his father who, like me, is facing issues associated with growing older.
Starting next Wednesday, the 25th, Tyler and Pastor Karla Sheffy will teach a class using the messages from Lysa Terkeurst’s book. The class is free and open to anyone seeking guidance after life-changing events.
The evening starts at 5:30 with a light dinner with the discussion beginning at six. There is no admission, but a free-will offering will be taken. Enter the church thru the west doors and go to the Fellowship Hall.
This starts January 25th, First United Methodist Church, 9th and Merchant, 5:30 for a light dinner followed by IT’S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THIS WAY, finding unexpected strength when disappointments leave you shattered!
I’m Steve Sauder