Today I’m sharing a story about my credit card that might be helpful.
Several months ago I lost my American Express card. After a fruitless search, I called the company and set the process to receive a new card in motion. My new card arrived and my usage was back to normal.
Fast forward several weeks when Bobbi and I decided sandwiches from Jimmy John’s sounded appetizing. I located their App and started placing our order.
As I was about to complete the process I remembered my lost credit card and that Jimmy Johns had my old number on file. I was prepared to have my order rejected, but that did not happen. My order was completed and as promised it was delivered “freaky fast!”
I appreciated this but was confused about my credit card being approved. It got worse when I checked my Jimmy John’s App and saw the order charged.
So, being concerned that my old credit card number, which was supposedly canceled, was still working, I called American Express.
As usual, it took a while to get a live person to talk with me, and since all I had was a question I was concerned about giving them my working credit card number. Eventually I was rewarded with being hooked up with a delightful young lady who answered my question.
I asked her “how and why did my old credit card number which they had supposedly been invalidated several weeks ago work on my Jimmy John’s order?
“Oh! We get that question a lot. It’s because Jimmy Johns is a trusted customer on your account.”
I was shocked but pleased as well. Having recently needed to change my email address I know firsthand how difficult it is to remember everyone that uses my email to identify me.
My credit card gets many subscriptions renewed without asking me and if I had to notify everyone, well…..I’m sure you understand.
Did you know this? Does your credit card company do the same thing? If not maybe you need to be asking that old question: “What’s in your wallet?”
I’m Steve Sauder hoping I’ve given some of you Something to Think About.