Not all area counties will host a storm spotter training session when the schedule begins in a few weeks — yet.
In fact, Lyon and Morris counties do not currently have training sessions this spring after the National Weather Service Topeka office announced its schedule Tuesday. However, meteorologist Chad Omitt says the Morris County meeting will be at the County Courthouse on April 12 and the Lyon County meeting is awaiting word from Emporia State University.
Other area training sessions include:
*March 7: Coffey County 4-H Building, Burlington
*March 30: Carbondale ELM Community Building
*April 11: Wabaunsee High School, Alma
Sessions begin at 7 pm and last around 90 minutes.
Meanwhile, the schedules for severe weather spotter training sessions involving two nearby counties have been changed.
The National Weather Service Wichita office has rescheduled the training sessions for Chase and Greenwood counties. The Chase County session is March 1 at the Cottonwood Falls Community Building instead of the original event Feb. 28. The Greenwood County session is March 6 at Eureka High instead of March 5.
The sessions last about two hours and are open to the public.
Severe Weather Awareness Week has been announced March 6-10 across Kansas. As has been the case for years, every day of the week will have specific information points — including general preparedness March 6, tornado safety March 7, lightning awareness March 8, hail and wind safety March 9 and flood safety March 10.