Emporia was the site of a statewide conference Saturday at the Lyon County Fairgrounds.
The Bowyer Community Building hosted the Kansas Graziers Winter Conference. Jim Gerrish, an independent grazing land educator, consultant, and writer was the keynote speaker.
Gerrish presented to attendees how to survive a drought, make every drop of water count, extend the grazing season with alternative forage, and managing cow costs for economic return. When it comes to drought around the immediate Emporia area, Gerrish says this area isn’t as bad as it is in the western part of Kansas.
Gerrish encourages producers to keep updated with the US Drought Monitor. In the latest update from the US Drought Monitor, half of the KVOE listening area along a line just south of Council Grove to Emporia to Lebo is out of drought altogether. A line between Teterville to Burlington is in abnormally dry conditions. Greenwood County went from abnormally dry to exceptional drought between Madison and Eureka.
Gerrish says projections are released months and advance and encourages producers to plan ahead.
Gerrish also was selling his series of four books to attendees at Saturday’s conference. For more information on Gerrish’s books, visit www.americangrazinglands.com/collections/books-more