Emporia city commissioners have an action and study meeting Wednesday, and there are a lot of infrastructure matters with both meetings.
The action session will begin first at 11 am. Besides considering a resolution to create a Homelessness Advisory Board, commissioners will consider acquiring 32 acres of property in the 1100 block of Kansas Highway 99 near the Emporia Municipal Airport from Richard and Colleen Mitchell and they could approve the construction bid for the city’s upcoming CCLIP repavement project on East Sixth between Mechanic Street and the east city limits.
The study meeting will follow once the action session is done. Commissioners will look at drainage improvements for Sunset Lake near Emporia Presbyterian Manor as well as a design contract for what’s called the Southeast transmission water main, a 20-inch diameter pipe from 12th and Garfield to South and Carter. Commissioners will also consider abandoning the stoplight at Sixth and Constitution after a recent lightning strike damaged the control panel cabinet. The current estimate has permanent damage repairs by early next year.
The nearby stoplight at Sixth and Congress has been “on flash” since 2011 with the hope of a hotel and convention center at the former Lowther North property. Hotel plans have now ended and the property is up for sale.
Both meetings will be in the Municipal Court Room.