As planning continues at the state level to expand broadband internet access, Kansas Governor Laura Kelly is encouraging residents to review and comment on the latest initial proposal towards that end.
The Broadband Equity Access and Deployment, whether it’s through the 5-year action plan or the “Initial Proposal” Volume 1 — up for review now — or Volume 2 later in the process, are designed to pinpoint served, underserved and unserved areas and develop a plan to broaden access. Volume 1 is designed specifically to note existing broadband work, identify both unserved and underserved residents and highlight “community anchor institutions.”
BEAD was developed as part of the federal government’s Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021. So far, it has allocated almost half a billion dollars to Kansas in order to flesh out broadband.
Click here to submit comments. Click here to get more information about BEAD.