A nationwide organization is starting to get established in Emporia.
CarePortal was launched in Lyon County in July and has been hard at work to get it into the community according to local spokesperson Sydney Farney. CarePortal’s mission is connecting technology that drives action for local children and families in crisis.
Farney says CarePortal is currently working with DCF and Radical Life which means only people working with those two organizations’ staffs can have needs uploaded to CarePortal. Farney says CarePortal’s most common need is beds.
Farney says the process of getting CarePortal established has been different in a good way to get support from the community. Farney says there are several local churches and agencies already involved, however, Farney says she would like to get more businesses and community members to partner with.
For more information on CarePortal, contact Farney at lyoncountycareportal@gmail.com. To get involved with CarePortal visit careportal.org.