When the Metropolitan Area Planning Commission has its monthly meeting later this month — and its second of round of conversations about Newman Regional Health’s proposed zoning code text changes — there are tentatively set to be a few adjustments to the meeting process.
First, there will not be a public hearing, as there was Nov. 21 when the Planning Commission oversaw a better than four-hour discussion on the proposal and Stormont-Vail Health’s proposed $30 million medical facility for Emporia. Residents can also submit questions or comments by emailing emporiainfo@emporiaks.gov by the close of business Tuesday.
Also, the meeting at the Municipal Court Room will be livestreamed on the city’s website, emporiaks.gov. There was no city plan to livestream the meeting last month, whether it was at the original location of the Municipal Court Room or the subsequent moves to White Auditorium’s Little Theatre or the main arena floor, so KVOE News livestreamed the meeting.
Any attendance overflow will go to the Little Theatre. Because of the Municipal Court Room’s limited size, people are encouraged to watch the livestream.
Planning Commission members have the options of recommending approval or denial to Emporia city commissioners as part of the meeting. They could also table a recommendation to allow for more discussions.