Newsmaker: 60th District Representative Mark Schreiber of Emporia has a legislative session preview.//Newsmaker 2: Members of the First Church of the Nazarene will preview Sundays 100th Anniversary of the Church//Newsmaker 3: 76th District Representative Eric Smith offers a legislative session preview.// Area Coaches Corners: Waverly girls – Ty Piper, Madison girls – Bill Nienstedt.
Newsmaker: 60th District Representative Mark Schreiber of Emporia has a legislative session preview.
Newsmaker 2: Members of the First Church of the Nazarene will preview Sundays 100th Anniversary of the Church
Newsmaker 3: 76th District Representative Eric Smith offers a legislative session preview.
Area Coaches Corner
Waverly girls – Ty Piper
Madison girls – Bill Nienstedt