The Emporia High bowling teams competed in the Centennial League Championships on Thursday in Topeka at Gage Bowl.
The Spartans finished second as a team with a series of 2,424, finishing 220 behind league champion Washburn Rural. Two Spartans placed in the top 10 led by Morgan Liggett who finished third with a series of 635. Colton Swift finished seventh with a 615 series. Devin Mohling finished 12th with a 579 series. Caydrick Crouch finished 17th with a 559 series.
The Lady Spartans finished fourth as a team with a series of 1,873. Two Lady Spartans placed in the top 10. Taylor McKay finished eighth with a 512 series. Danika Williams finished ninth with a series of 509.
Emporia High will host its final home meet on Monday at 2 p.m. at Flint Hills Lanes.