Urgent infrastructure needs will be discussed during the USD 253 Emporia Board of Education meeting this week.
Projects and Maintenance Director Cory Nicolet and Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations Pam Stranathan will lead a presentation on “immediate big projects maintenance needs” at all district schools and facilities, which could total over $5.2 million for the district. This discussion will take place separately from a conversation on replacing part of the Emporia High roof later in the meeting.
In other business, board members will field a safety and security update. They will also discuss potential appointees to the Emporia Recreation Commission Steering Committee for the purpose of either building a new public recreation facility or expanding the Lee Beran Rec Center. Upcoming changes to Emporia High’s graduation credits, as mandated by the Kansas State Board of Education, will also be discussed.
The meeting is at 5:30 pm Wednesday at Mary Herbert.