Traffic on a section of Prairie Street will be closed for a short time next week for mill and overlay work following action by Lyon County Commissioners Thursday morning.
APAC Kansas Shears Division will perform mill and overlay work at the intersection of South Avenue and Prairie beginning Tuesday. The work is expected to be completed by Wednesday, weather and schedule permitting.
Drivers are asked to find an alternate travel route around the work zone. The project will cost a little more than $51,400 and was approved by commissioners as part of their regular action meeting.
Separately, commissioners also discussed the conditions of and costs related to stabilization work on Road 110 from Road T to W. Following those discussions, commissioners chose to delay the project until the spring.
Commissioners also gave direction for County Facilities Director Robbie Weiss to place a plumbing fixtures project at the Lyon County Jail out to bid and approved signing a resolution authorizing the foreclosure of tax liens and sale of real property for the collection of delinquent taxes presented by County Counselor Molly Priest. In other business, commissioners approved a modification and addendum agreement for the transport and disposal of solid waste between N.R. Hamm Quarry, Inc., the City of Emporia and Lyon County.
One executive session for legal matters was also held with no action taken. Commissioners will reconvene next Thursday at 9 am for their regular action meeting inside of the Lyon County Courthouse Commission Chambers.