A pair of informational meetings for employees soon to be or already displaced by recent closure announcements got underway Wednesday.
The first of two Rapid Response and Kansas Department of Labor informational meetings took place inside of the Bowyer Community Building on the Lyon County Fairgrounds through the early and mid-afternoon hours. The sessions included information on how to access and apply for unemployment benefits from representatives of the Kansas Department of Labor, who were unable to speak with KVOE News.
The resource event is being organized in cooperation with Kansasworks and will continue Thursday with sessions taking place at 11:30 am and 1:30 pm for employees of both Tyson and Holiday Resort. A third session at 3:45 pm will be strictly for Tyson employees.
All sessions will last roughly an hour. KVOE News will have comments from KansasWorks representatives following the conclusion of Thursday’s event.
Representatives from the Kansas Department of Labor were unable to take part in an interview. In the meantime, those who need information on unemployment benefits but were unable to attend the sessions can find said information by visiting Emporiaopportunities.com or GetKansasBenefits.gov.
Dovetailing off of the unemployment seminars this week will be a resource fair and job fair taking place January 8 from 11 am to 5 pm also at the Lyon County Fairgrounds. Those efforts are being spearheaded by the United Way of the Flint Hills and Southeast KansasWorks respectively.