The annual point-in-time (PIT) count is next week and volunteers are needed.
The PIT count is an annual count of the number of unhoused residents in the community organized by the Kansas Statewide Homeless Coalition and mandated by the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development for the “Continuum of Care.” This will be the third PIT count in Emporia and organizer Joe Reed recently joined KVOE’s Morning Show to discuss the effort.
The official count will take place Thursday across the community and Reed says those involved learned some important lessons from last year’s effort, namely getting an earlier start to the process.
Reed says the more volunteers they have the more ground they can cover with the count and with that in mind he asked anyone who could offer some time to assist with the count to do so.
KVOE News did ask Reed if the count was only looking for individuals living on the streets or if it also took into consideration those either couch serving or living in their vehicles.
For those interested in volunteering their time there will be a planning and informational meeting at 5 pm Wednesday inside of White Auditorium’s City Conference Room 1AB which will also serve as the official headquarters of the count next week.