Another progress report is in hand from the city of Emporia as work continues at the 24th and Prairie waterline improvement zone.
Apple Lane is closing at 24th beginning this week, meaning 24th westbound is closed to thru traffic between Apple and Prairie. This will allow for work in the north half of the 24th and Apple intersection.
Also, waterline connections to the new main should be completed soon at Ashley II Estates and Prairie Lane. There could be water service interruptions for both the senior living facility and Prairie Lane residents that could last 4-6 hours as this process continues.
Prairie will be closed to thru traffic at Jones Park Drive as the city contractor makes waterline connections to the existing main. Southbound traffic on Prairie will be closed to thru traffic from 24th to 21st with a detour to the west.
The city is installing over two miles of new pipe and creating over 30 new service lines and other connections as part of this project. Construction began in early June and could continue through this summer.