The KVOE listening area is in for a few gusty days this week.
With wind speeds expected to be steady between 30 to 40 mph with possible gusts of 58 mph between Tuesday and Wednesday, the National Weather Service has issued a high wind watch from noon Tuesday to noon Wednesday for Lyon, Coffey, Morris, Osage and Wabaunsee counties and from noon Tuesday to 6 am Wednesday for Chase County. The high winds could lead to tree and power line damage, resulting in widespread power outages.
Motorists, especially those in high profile vehicles, will need to be extra vigilant and residents should secure loose objects to keep them from blowing away. On top of the high winds, the forecast is also calling for the possibility of rain and thunderstorms through the day Tuesday before we see a chance of rain and snow Tuesday night into Wednesday morning.
Stay with KVOE, and KVOE social media for more weather updates as they develop.