Emporia City Commissioners will consider annexing a piece of property into the city limits as part of a busy meeting agenda Wednesday.
The annexation, if approved, would see an 11-acre tract of land at 1002 Trusler Road move into the city limits. The request is in anticipation of a new home site.
The property, which already has one house on it, is currently zoned County Agriculture and will retain that designation until it is rezoned to be classified a City Parcel Type.
In other business, commissioners will consider an agreement with Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad for a safety improvements study, an HDR professional services agreement, a contract with HW Lochner for a taxiway construction project at the Emporia Municipal airport and awarding the 2025 hazardous sidewalk project.
One executive session is also planned, following which the Commission will move to its regular study session. Topics of discussion during the study session will include updates on the Carnegie Building and disc golf, a review of court costs and fees, a winter storm response recap, a possible fee decrease for chicken or fowl pen and domestic animals and FHTC board of trustees members interviewing commissioners.
Additionally, commissioners will discuss their April 2 meeting with the Lyon County Commission and may appoint a citizen representative to the Joint Traffic Safety Committee. The meetings will begin at 11 am inside of the Municipal Courtroom at White Auditorium before moving to City Conference Room 1AB.