Emporia Rec Commission Director finalist interviews are coming next month according to ERC Chairman Jeremy Dorsey following the board’s regular meeting Tuesday evening.
The interviews are slated to begin at 5:30 pm that night, with the candidates rotating between the meet and greets with staff and residents and their official interviews every 30 minutes. Commissioners also approved covering travel and lodging expenses for out-of-state candidates selected for the final interviews.
The names of the three candidates are expected to be released either later this week if not early next week, once they have been notified. The date for when a final decision on the new ERC Director will be announced has not been set yet, however, ERC members discussed the possibility of announcing the decision the same night as the interviews or at the board’s regularly scheduled monthly meeting on April 21.
Regardless of when the announcement is made, Dorsey says it will be a “monumental” moment for the community.
The selected candidate will replace longtime director Tom McEvoy, who retired in December of last year after nearly 40 years of involvement in public recreation at the local level.
In other business on Tuesday night, board members approved the 2025 Jones Aquatic Center operations agreement with the city of Emporia with no changes to the previous year’s agreement aside from the dates of operation. Discussions on adult soccer at the Debauge Family Sports complex, regular leadership team updates, bylaw changes for ERC meeting attendance and plans for a facility tour for ERC members in May also took place.